For 35 years Airtek has been supplying Air Conditioning Systems to many of South Africa's best know Companies and Brands.
And with good reason.
At Airtek we have proven to be thourough in our work during installation, and reliable for our maintenance and service during life-cycle of the machines we install. We believe that building a solid reputation that can preceed us, is one of the best things a company can do for it's business. We like our work to speak well for itself, so that our Customers will be able to speak well of us.
"The cheapest and best advertising in the world is one's own best work."
Whether we are supplying airconditioning for offices, laboratories, accommodation, pre-cooling halls, hospital & clinics or factories - we apply the same high standards of public health compliance, and end-user safety.
Copyright - 2025: © Airtek Air Conditioning. Cape Town
18 Rubicon Street , Saxenburg 1 , Blackheath.
TEL :(021) 905 1904